Known Donor Program

About Adora’s known donor program

At Adora, we believe that high-quality, affordable fertility treatment should be accessible to all Australians. By facilitating egg (oocyte), sperm, and embryo donation from known donors, in conjunction with our affordable fertility services, we know that we can help more people to grow their families in more ways.

Known donation means that you (and your partner, where relevant) will attend Adora Fertility with the person/s that have agreed to donate eggs, sperm, or embryos altruistically. You might need a donor to help grow your family for many reasons, and we are here to help you, and your donor, through that process. Learn more about treatment options with donor gametes, including IVF/ICSI and IUI.

Sperm Donation

For someone who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to have a baby, the gift of sperm donation is priceless. For many men who are considering becoming donors, the consequence of this selfless act is one of the most compelling and rewarding reasons of all to donate. You will be changing lives by assisting couples and individuals to become parents and grow their families.

Sperm donors are needed for many reasons including
  • Assisting couples who are unable to achieve a pregnancy due to male infertility (i.e low sperm count or sperm of abnormal morphology) 
  • To give single women the opportunity of parenthood
  • To give women in a same sex relationship the opportunity of parenthood.
To donate sperm to someone through Adora’s known donor program there are some requirements
  • Pathology screenings for infectious diseases
  • Semen Analysis
  • Genetic testing
  • Comprehensive medical history
  • Mandatory counselling
  • Signing a lifestyle declaration.
  • Adora does not accept sperm donors over age 45 as the sperm health declines. Offspring born to men over age 50 have slightly increased risks of some genetic abnormalities

Egg Donation

For someone who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to have a baby, the gift of egg donation is priceless. For many women who are considering becoming donors, the consequence of this selfless act is one of the most compelling and rewarding reasons of all to donate. Not many women will be able to say they had a major role in helping someone else build their family. Egg donors find a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in being able to help others in such a meaningful way.

Egg donors are needed for many reasons including
  • Pathology screenings for infectious diseases
  • Semen Analysis
  • Genetic testing
  • Comprehensive medical history
  • Mandatory counselling
  • Signing a lifestyle declaration.
  • Adora does not accept sperm donors over age 45 as the sperm health declines. Offspring born to men over age 50 have slightly increased risks of some genetic abnormalities
To donate oocytes (eggs) to someone through Adora’s known donor program there are some requirements
  • A couple going through fertility treatment who have been unsuccessful, due to poor ovarian response or egg quality
  • A woman who does not produce oocytes/eggs, as a result of a medical procedure or premature menopause
  • A woman who wishes to avoid passing on a genetic disorder, that she is a known carrier of

Embryo Donation

For individuals who are unable to achieve a pregnancy with their own eggs and sperm, donated embryos can be the key to making pregnancy possible. For couples who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to have a baby, the gift of a donor embryo is priceless.

For many couples who are considering becoming donors, the pain of infertility has often been a lived experience for them, and the consequence of this selfless act is one of the most compelling and rewarding reasons of all to donate. There are not many couples who will be able to say they had a major role in helping others build their family. Embryo donors find a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in being able to help others in such a meaningful way. 

Embryo donors are typically needed when
  • Both the male and female in a couple have fertility issues and require egg and sperm donations
  • When a single female is looking to have a child, and has issues precluding her from being able to use her own eggs
The criteria for embryo donation through Adora, for both donors (egg and sperm) include
  • Pathology screenings for infectious diseases
  • Genetic testing
  • Comprehensive medical history
  • Mandatory counselling
  • If the embryos you wish to donate are created from a known donor; a full review of all the relevant paperwork to ensure the legislative and regulatory requirements are met and confirm known donor’s consent for on-donation.

Receiving donated eggs, sperm or embryos

At Adora Fertility we are committed to ensuring that IVF and fertility services with known donated gametes (eggs and sperm) and embryos are accessible and affordable to eligible people. 

Receiving donated eggs/sperm or embryos may have a significant impact on you and your family so it is important for a considered and informed decision.  We encourage you to seek independent legal advice prior to proceeding with treatment. 

Some things to be aware of

  • People conceived using donated eggs/sperm/embryos are entitled to know their genetic parents, should they want this information once they turn the age of 18. Therefore, all known donors must consent to release of identifying details to Adora. The information includes the donor’s medical and family history, identifying information, the assumed gender at birth and number of persons conceived using the eggs/sperm/embryos provided by the same egg/sperm/embryo donor. A donor must also be prepared to release any identifying information to offspring.
  • Adora Fertility has a responsibility to report donor birth outcomes.Adora will comply with relevant State Legislation and/or Regulation in relation to reporting donor birth outcomes.
  • Donors will have no legal rights or responsibilities for any offspring born from their donated eggs, sperm or embryos.
  • An egg and/or sperm donor is free to withdraw or vary their consent as defined in relevant state legislation or regulation.
  • Donors are entitled to some information about the offspring born. Non-identifying information about live births, the child’s assumed gender at birth, the number and age of children born, and any birth abnormalities can be provided on request.
  • Donors and a person conceived using donated eggs/sperm/embryos need to be protected from the consequences of having many offspring and siblings. Under legislation applicable in each state and territory of Australia a donor can only donate to a certain number of families.
  • Donating eggs/sperm/embryos in Australia is altruistic, it is illegal to receive or make any type of payment for donated eggs/sperm/embryos. 

Requirements to receive donated eggs, sperm, or embryos at Adora

You must have a known donor who fits our eligibility criteria and is willing to donate altruistically. Adora does not offer access to clinic recruited donors or international sperm/egg banks.

Tests you may be required to undergo:

  • Pelvic Ultrasounds
  • Blood hormone testing
  • Pathology screenings for infectious diseases
  • Genetic testing
  • Comprehensive medical history

Receiving donated eggs or embryos:

  • When using donated eggs or embryos the preference is to use donated eggs or embryos made from women under age 35 as the quality of the eggs starts to reduce at age 35.  Adora does not use eggs or embryos created from the eggs of a donor over age 40 because the chances of success are too low.
  • Female recipients of donor eggs or donor embryos need to be 51 years or younger (the median age of menopause).  For women over age 45, or where it is indicated by the medical history, a physician review is required prior to receiving the donated eggs or embryos to ensure it is safe for the recipient to carry the baby.
  • Have a BMI between 18 and 35. Women with a BMI greater than 35 are not immediately eligible for egg donation.

Receiving donated sperm:

  • Adora does not accept sperm donors over age 45 as the sperm health declines. Offspring born to men over age 50 have slightly increased risks of some genetic abnormalities.
  • Prior to you commencing on treatment, the donated sperm must have been frozen at our clinic (or transferred to us if frozen at another clinic). This sperm must be in quarantine for 3 months prior to you commencing on treatment. After the three-month quarantine period, your donor will be re-tested for infectious diseases. The treatment can commence once the donor sperm has been cleared for use.
  • Donated sperm can either be used with an intra-uterine insemination (IUI) treatment cycle or an IVF cycle. Your Fertility Specialist will advise you on the best treatment plan.