What is IUI?
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves the insertion of prepared sperm obtained from the male partner through masturbation, which has been washed and treated (by the lab)to obtain a concentrated specimen of highly motile sperm. The washed sperm is placed inside the woman’s uterus to increase the number of sperm that can potentially reach the egg and form a pregnancy.
An IUI is performed by an Adora Fertility Specialist and isn’t usually painful. However some women may experience mild cramping and or discomfort. You should be able to return to work straight after the procedure.

IUI treatment can be performed in two ways:
Monitoring the Natural Cycle
This option does not involve any medication and works with the woman’s natural menstrual cycle.

Ovulation Induction
This involves the use of medication to stimulate the ovaries and cause or regulate ovulation with either Letrozole or Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH) and trigger (hcg) injections. Some women may also be given luteal support.
You will be required to attend blood tests and transvaginal ultrasounds. Your Adora Nurse will discuss this with you.

Reasons for using IUI
- Difficulties with sexual intercourse
- Ovulation problems
- Unexplained infertility
- Mild endometriosis
- Mild male factor infertility
- Using donor sperm
The risks of IUI treatment
- Multiple pregnancies
- Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome (OHSS) which is very rare in IUI cycles
- Premature ovulation creating a surge in LH or progesterone levels.
Cancellation of an IUI Cycle
- An IUI cycle may need to be cancelled if more that 2 follicles grow, due to the risk of multiple pregnancy
- If there is premature ovulation and the timing of the insemination has been missed
Success rates
The success rates for IUI treatment depend on:
- Age of the couple
- Causes of infertility
- Lifestyle factors
Please note that payment is taken upfront for the IUI. If your cycle is cancelled you may be entitled to a partial refund as we are unable to claim funds from Medicare.