Getting the support you need emotional well being

Do you need help to navigate the emotions of infertility? Our Adora Fertility staff are dedicated to every aspect of your health and we want you to know the resources that are available to help you and your partner.
Speak to a professional
Going through IVF can be a challenging time for you, your partner, friends and family. You should know that you are never alone on this journey, and there is an abundance of resources and professionals who are here to help. If you feel like things are getting too overwhelming, or are experiencing anxiety and grief, talk to your doctor about whether a counsellor may help you feel more at ease and supported. At Adora Fertility we want to help you every step of the way. At every clinic there is an in-house psychologist available and counselling with our psychologist is free if this is associated with an IVF cycle. Our Adora Fertility nurses and doctors are able to provide you with appointment information for this services and can answer any of your questions. Counsellors can help you identify and work through the emotions you are feeling and give you coping mechanisms.
Connect with others
Sometimes, it can be helpful to speak to others who are going through a similar experience as you, and share the hopes and stresses you may feel. Access Australia in an independent, non-for-profit organisation who are dedicated to providing information and support to women and men who are going through infertility issues. Access Australia provides an online community and support network that can put people in touch by email, phone or letter. There are various support groups, including ones for men, single women, couples facing genetic infertility issues, and dealing with IVF miscarriage. It can be nice to keep in touch, go for a coffee and support each other throughout your journey. You may also want to speak to close family and friends so they know what you are going through.
Taking Time off work
While going through IVF treatment, you might want to consider taking some time off work so you can attend medical appointments and procedures. You are not obliged to tell your employer that you are undergoing IVF treatment if you don’t want to. If you trust your human resources manager, it might be beneficial to confide in them and seek support. Your work may have an Employee Assistance Program in place which allows you to use the confidential counselling offered.
Adora Fertility has a clinical psychologist as part of our team who is available to help you with managing the stress of fertility treatment. If you feel like you need help, please request a consultation through your Adora Fertility clinic. Adora Fertility has clinics in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. If you would like to speak to a Adora Fertility expert in more detail, please find the closest location here.